Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Friday 01/20/2017
When you’re tempted to doubt God’s Word, dig your heels in and refuse to fear! Believe God, and declare it is done!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Thursday 01/19/2017
Ask God in the Name of Jesus for what you want. You’re not finished praying until you, by faith, actively take it.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Wednesday 01/18/2017
Go over God’s promises every day, and firmly resolve that God will keep His Word to you.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Tuesday 01/17/2017
Locate scriptures that promise your answer and declare them to demonstrate that by faith you already have.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Monday 01/16/2017
Learn how to get your prayers answered by first deciding what you want God to give you.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Friday 01/13/2017
In a crisis, you need to have powerful faith. Learn to think God’s thoughts and practice His ways, so you’ll be ready!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Thursday 01/12/2017
Learn how filling your heart and mouth with God’s WORD gives Him permission to keep you safe!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Wednesday 01/11/2017
Learn how to put God’s ways first! Use your faith and expect Him to work for your good—because He is always right!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Tuesday 01/10/2017
Let the wisdom of God overtake you, and learn how you can pray the perfect prayer in the Spirit of faith.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Monday 01/09/2017
Find God’s promise for your situation and base your prayer and faith in it—confident that it’s His wisdom and His will.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Friday 01/06/2017
The Holy Spirit will help you keep your thoughts, words and expectations on God’s WORD, rather than the circumstances.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Thursday 01/05/2017
Discover how to speak God’s WORD in faith and get the same results He gets.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Wednesday 01/04/2017
A man’s natural thoughts and ways have limits. See how choosing God’s thoughts and ways will lead to your success.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Tuesday 01/03/2017
God’s way is the way of love that’s found in His WORD. Learn how to do things God’s way, and live in THE BLESSING!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Monday 01/02/2017
God’s ways of doing things are found in His WORD. When you ask, seek and find His answers, you can change to His ways.