Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/27/2024.
Faith works! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Pastors George and Terri Pearsons teach you how to be a faith specialist. From the Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland shows you how to make your faith work by following the faith fundamentals that lead to a life that prospers you spirit, soul and body.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/26/2024.
Do you know who you are? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Pastors George and Terri Pearsons share a message by Mark Hankins from the Southwest Believers’ Convention. Learn how Jesus’ blood gave you a new identity so you can take your rightful place in Christ and fight the fight of faith from a place of VICTORY!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/25/2024.
Today is your day! Join Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they assist you in fulfilling your life assignment with Terri Savelle Foy in a session from the Southwest Believers’ Convention. This is your wake-up call to help you act on your faith and make your dreams a reality!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/24/2024.
No matter what you are going through, there is hope! Watch Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they share this session with Keith Moore from the Southwest Believers’ Convention. Be reminded that God heals the brokenhearted, and begin walking in overcoming VICTORY when you trust in the complete faithfulness of Jesus!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/23/2024.
Let’s get mixing! Join Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory in this special edition featuring the 2024 Southwest Believers’ Convention. In this session, Nancy Dufresne helps activate the power of God within you. Find out how to mix your words with faith to keep a steady flow of God’s power in your life!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/20/2024.
In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Pastors George and Terri Pearsons reveal that you have Word power. From the Southwest Believers’ Convention, Bill Winston explains how your faith in the power of the Word will fix and undo anything the devil has done!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/19/2024.
God lifts you because He loves you! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory with Pastors George and Terri Pearsons as they share a message from Jeremy Pearsons at the Southwest Believers’ Convention. Learn the spiritual law of lift so you can leave the spiritual low life behind and allow yourself to be raised up and seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/18/2024.
Come boldly before God’s throne of grace! Join Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they help you enter His presence with praise and thanksgiving. From the Southwest Believers’ Convention, Pastor Terri shares how the Lord has made Himself always available to YOU!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/17/2024.
Are you ready to live a victorious life of faith? Watch Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they share a session from the Southwest Believers’ Convention with Jesse Duplantis. Learn how wholly following the Lord will bring the mark of God’s approval to your life!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/16/2024.
God gave Jesus for YOU! Join Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory in this special edition featuring the 2024 Southwest Believers’ Convention. This session with Kenneth Copeland reminds you to walk by faith and not by sight. Transform your faith walk through learning to believe and receive the Love of God!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/13/2024.
No fear here! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches you how to live fearlessly through the power of God’s Love. Live a life of love so you can resist the devil and make him flee!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/12/2024.
It’s time to step it up! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland shares with you biblical steps for living a life free from fear. Learn that responding to others with God’s Love is key to living the fearless life Jesus made possible for you.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/11/2024.
Choose to forgive and forget! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains how walking in forgiveness closes the door on fear. Discover how to supernaturally forgive others just as God has forgiven us, and remain forever in His Love!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/10/2024.
Perfected love casts out all fear! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he encourages you to yield to God’s Love and resist fear. Decontaminate your faith from fear as you learn how to be filled with the fullness of God’s Love!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/09/2024.
The Bible says God is Love, and it's His Love that casts out all fear. Today, on Believer's Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland reminds you there is never a reason to fear, because God, who is Love, has promised to never leave or forsake you!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/06/2024.
You have been delivered from fear! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland helps you understand how the power of God’s Love enables you to live fear free. Discover a life unaffected by fearful thoughts or situations as you develop your understanding of God’s Love for you!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/05/2024.
Give it to God! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland reveals how you can live a fearless life by casting all your care on God. Find out how to identify, attack and eradicate worry and fear from your life once and for all!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/04/2024.
The fearless life belongs to you! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shows you how to stop fear by being watchful over all your thoughts. Rid yourself of a fear-filled mind as you learn to cast down and bring into captivity every thought that exalts itself above the knowledge of God!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/03/2024.
Are you living a fear-based or faith-based lifestyle? Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains how the revelation of Love flushes all fear out. Renew your mind to the truth that God loves you and begin to live a life that receives everything He has provided!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 9/02/2024.
Get ready to receive! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches you how faith is your connection to the promises of God, but fear will contaminate that connection. Learn how to swiftly and sternly deal with fear, just like Jesus did, and create an atmosphere in your life for God to do the miraculous for you!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 8/30/2024.
Have faith in Love! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland helps you disconnect from fear though having faith in God’s Love. Learn how to believe in the Love God has for you, and you’ll drive all fear out of your life!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 8/29/2024.
What are you connected to? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland reveals how staying connected to God’s Love casts out all fear. Discover that where there is Love, there is faith; and where there is faith, there is no fear!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 8/28/2024.
You’ve been delivered! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he reminds you that Jesus has redeemed you from the curse of fear. Find out how staying in God's commands keep you in The BLESSING and that every promise in God’s Word is the blood-backed proof of your redemption!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 8/27/2024.
The Lord will never leave or forsake you! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains how following God’s commands will free you from fear. Become confident in the fact that there is never a reason to fear, because God is ready to help you get out of every problem!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 8/26/2024.
Fear not—the Lord is with you! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory and discover that in Christ Jesus, you can live free from all fear. Learn how to live the fearless life Jesus made possible for you and enjoy the fullness of your redemption, today!