Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 6/4/2024.
Receive your healing today! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares on becoming free from grief and sorrow. Lighten your load as you identify hidden grief in your life and permanently release it to the Father!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 6/3/2024.
Are you ready to say goodbye to a life of sickness? Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he speaks on becoming blood covenant-minded. THE BLESSING or the curse—the choice is yours. Learn how to choose well!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 5/31/2024.
Have faith in God! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland discusses the hall of fame of faith. Begin living a life of obedience as you learn to trust in The LORD just as Noah, Abraham and Sarah did!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 5/30/2024.
You are a new creation in Christ! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland shares how we’ve been accepted of God by faith. Find out what Jesus went through to redeem you from the curse and how it puts you in right-standing with the Father!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 5/29/2024.
If you can see it, it’s yours! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he gives you a faith review. Discover how to move your faith over from hope and into the NOW, making sure your words match your faith expectation!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 5/28/2024.
Faith has vision! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he helps you develop yours. Be encouraged to get God’s vision for our nation, hold fast to what you know, and pray for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 5/27/2024.
Write the vision and make it plain! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches you how vision connects you to your calling by faith. Be inspired to create a vision of your very own with God’s WORD!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 5/24/2024.
You have been set apart! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Pastors George and Terri Pearsons reveal how you are the bricklayer of your own foundation. Find out how to lay a firm one so when the storms come, even though you may have the same conditions as this world, you'll have different results!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 5/23/2024.
Are you ready to get to work? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Pastors George and Terri Pearsons help you build the four walls of protection. In these end times, learn what it takes to be in the ark, so you aren’t left in the dark!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 5/22/2024.
We are “The Untouchables”! Join Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they teach you to follow Jesus’ example. Discover the realm of protection, how to enter it and how to remain there forever!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 5/21/2024.
You are an overcomer! Watch Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they discuss the authority of the believer. Rise up and take your rightful place as you learn to exercise the complete authority you have in Christ Jesus!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 5/20/2024.
I refuse to fear! Join Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they teach you how to live a totally fear-free life. Make a quality decision today and equip yourself with everything you need to eradicate fear from your life once and for all!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 5/17/2024.
The Lord inhabits the praises of His people! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Pastors George and Terri Pearsons share Part 3 of their "End-Time Instructions." Discover how to yield yourself entirely to God through the power of worship and praise, and recognize that—through Christ—you are more than a conqueror!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 5/16/2024.
Are you prepared? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Pastors George and Terri Pearsons give you Part 2 of their "End-Time Instructions." We’re in a spiritual war. Get equipped to fight both spiritually and naturally so you can stand firm against fear and the enemy’s plans!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 5/15/2024.
For the household of faith, everything’s going to be all right! Join Pastors George and Terri Pearsons, on Believer’s Voice of Victory, as they reveal Part 1 of their "End-Time Instructions." Become a faith professional as you learn how to develop a zero tolerance for fear!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 5/14/2024.
You are the righteousness of God! Watch Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they discuss how Paul’s warning was ignored. Learn the urgency of listening to God’s instructions and discover how standing with Christ will change circumstances around you!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for 5/13/2024.
Do you know what’s coming? Join Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they explain why—as a believer—you should. Find out God’s early warning system so you can prepare, stand in faith and be in a state of readiness!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Friday 5/10/2024.
Let God’s BLESSING overtake you! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and Andre and Jenny Roebert teach you how faith taps in to God’s heavenly supply. Learn to have God’s vision, and whatever you’re believing for will be available to you!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Thursday 5/9/2024.
Live by faith! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and Andre and Jenny Roebert reveal how faith connects you to God’s reservoir of BLESSING. Discover how to connect to and remain in God’s pipeline of supernatural provision!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Wednesday 5/8/2024.
Are you on the giving side of God?! Join Kenneth Copeland and Andre and Jenny Roebert on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they discuss how faith stays on the receiving side. Position yourself in faith so you can operate on the right side—the giving side—and get ready to receive!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Tuesday 5/7/2024.
God is faithful, and He will never let you down! Watch Kenneth Copeland and Andre and Jenny Roebert on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they share how faith positions you to prosper. Learn how you can access God’s magnificent plan through the power of faith!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Monday 5/6/2024.
Faith never quits! Join Kenneth Copeland and Andre and Jenny Roebert on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they help you build faith to endure for a lifetime. Faith is a continuous journey—find out how to properly equip yourself for it so it will always work on your behalf!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Friday 5/3/2024.
Live by faith and prosper! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and André and Jenny Roebert teach how faith accomplishes the plan of God. Learn to operate in total obedience to Him and watch yourself prosper in every area of your life!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Thursday 5/2/2024.
Faith over fear! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and André and Jenny Roebert speak of how faith trusts the plan of God. Discover how to live your life on the faith side and gain eternal victory over fear!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Wednesday 5/1/2024.
It is settled! Join Kenneth Copeland with André and Jenny Roebert, on Believer’s Voice of Victory, as they explain how faith follows the plan of God. Be encouraged to come into agreement with God’s WORD, knowing that your future is in His loving hands.