Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Friday 07/31/2015.
You can live protected in an unsafe world, by believing God and speaking His words. God’s plan includes protection and prosperity for you. Learn how THE BLESSING protects and surrounds you, when you live and walk by faith.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Thursday 07/30/2015.
Faith activates THE BLESSING of God. When you speak THE BLESSING over your circumstances and relationships, you authorize God’s power and authority to be established in your life. Now, once again, let’s join Kenneth and Gloria.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Wenesday 07/29/2015.
Choosing life and blessing starts with choosing God and speaking His words. Faith words license the Kingdom of Heaven to come to pass in your life. Learn how to activate the benefits of your covenant with God.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Tuesday 07/28/2015.
Jesus is your source of supply. The Kingdom of God is in you now. Don’t look to any other source to meet your needs. Use your God-given authority to choose God and believe His Word. Now, here are Kenneth and Gloria.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Monday 07/27/2015.
God has benefits in THE BLESSING available to you. It’s time to renew your mind to your covenant with God, and see all your needs met and fully supplied. Live in the Kingdom of God and keep your eyes on His Word!
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Friday 07/24/2015.
Today on the Believer’s Voice of Victory, Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim share about the women in the New Testament, whom God used to proclaim His good news. Learn how the body of Christ together accomplishes God’s plan for all mankind.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Thursday 07/23/2015.
Join Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim today on the Believer’s Voice of Victory, as they study the women in the Old Testament, those who God used to reveal His plans and purposes. When you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Wednesday 07/22/2015.
What was Eve’s place in the Garden of Eden? What caused Satan to be at war with her? Join Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim on today’s Believer’s Voice Of Victory, as they take us through Genesis 2 & 3 and reveal the power of repentance.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Tuesday 07/21/2015.
Join Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim, as they study the Apostle Paul’s response to a question he received concerning women in the Church. God’s plan for women is revealed throughout the Bible. Learn how those truths continue to impact us today.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Monday 07/20/2015.
The Holy Spirit has been given to you to help guide and direct you through life. Learn the benefits of being led by the Spirit as Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim share God’s plan for you to receive the Holy Spirit. Next on the Believer’s Voice Of Victory.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Friday 07/17/2015.
Just as your body is built up by exercise, so can your spirit be developed by meditating on God’s Word. Join Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim for the 4 steps to training your spirit man. Next, on the Believer’s Voice of Victory.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Thursday 07/16/2015.
Your inner man, your spirit man, the hidden man of the heart - is made in the image of God. Learn today from Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim that you are a spirit and you are eternal. Next, on the Believer’s Voice of Victory.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Wednesday 07/15/2015.
God looks on the heart, and not at outward appearances. Change the condition of your heart towards God by responding to him in faith and love. Next on the Believer’s Voice of Victory with Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Tuesday 07/14/2015.
As you develop in the Word of God, your spirit becomes strong. Today on the Believer’s Voice of Victory, Gloria Copeland and her guest, Billye Brim, teach you how to grow up spiritually and accomplish God’s will for your life.
Believers Voice of Victory Broadcast for Monday 07/13/2015.
You are a spirit and you can hear God with your spirit. Join Gloria Copeland and her special guest, Billye Brim, and discover your unique gift that can usher you into the very presence of God. Next, on the Believer’s Voice of Victory.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Friday 07/10/2015
Teaching new believers how to grow in God’s Word make the Church strong. Today on the Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland and David Barton, teach us the importance of discipleship, and how Jesus, in your life, impacts those around you.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Thursday 07/09/2015
The time is at hand for a spiritual awakening unto God. Pray, believe and study the Word daily. Today, on the Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland and David Barton remind believers of their role in God healing their land.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Wednesday 07/08/2015
When you are faced with overwhelming obstacles, God places before you the ability to “choose” what is right. Join Kenneth Copeland and David Barton today for more insight into making the right choices by following His Word. Next, on the Believer’s Voice of Victory.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Tuesday 07/07/2015
Join Kenneth Copeland and David Barton today, as they undertake their assignment to teach the Body of Christ to pray and obey. It will open the door to the glory and bring the harvest of souls into the kingdom of God. Next, on the Believer’s Voice of Victory.
Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Monday 07/06/2015
Today on the Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland and David Barton reveal the believer’s part of God’s plan to overcoming darkness in this world. It starts with a simple stand of faith -- I “choose to believe” all that God has promised me.
The Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Friday 07/03/2015
Today, on the Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland and David Barton remind you to be pro-active when it comes to obeying God’s Word. Watch a moving story, later in the program, on how choosing God’s call for your life, qualifies and empowers you for greatness.
The Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Thursday 07/02/2015
Welcome to the Believer’s Voice of Victory. Join Kenneth Copeland and his guest, David Barton, as they discuss God’s grace and His place for every member of the body of Christ. Follow God and learn to recognize His grace for you in the end-time awakening of your nation.
The Believers Voice of Victory Audio Podcast for Wednesday 07/01/2015
Today, on the Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland and David Barton remind the Body of Christ that there is coming an outpouring of signs and miracles. Seek God, choose to obey, and discover your part in this spiritual awakening.